How Many Calories Are In A Cup Of Coffee?

How Many Calories are in a Cup of Coffee?

If you’re a coffee lover, you might have wondered about the calories in your daily cup of joe. The good news is that coffee has almost no calories in its purest form. However, adding cream, sugar, or other flavorings to your coffee can quickly add up to a significant amount of calories. In this article, we will explore the question “how many calories in a cup of coffee?” and take a closer look at the different factors that affect the calorie count of your coffee.

Calories in Coffee

As mentioned earlier, coffee on its own is very low in calories. A plain black coffee contains only about 2 calories per 8-ounce cup. This is because coffee is essentially just water and coffee beans, both of which are low in calories.

Still, the calorie count can increase significantly when you start adding things to your coffee. For example, a tablespoon of sugar has about 48 calories, while a tablespoon of cream has about 52 calories. So, if you add one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of cream to your coffee, you add over 100 calories to your cup.

Does Coffee Have Calories?

Coffee, in its purest form, does not contain any calories. But the way coffee is brewed can affect its calorie count. For example, if you add milk or cream to your coffee, you will add calories. Similarly, if you add sugar or other sweeteners, you will also be adding calories.

The type of coffee you drink can also affect its calorie count. For example, coffee sweetened with syrup or other flavorings will contain more calories than plain black coffee.

How Many Calories is a Cup of Coffee with Milk and Sugar?

The number of calories in a cup of coffee with milk and sugar can vary depending on the type and amount of milk and sugar used. Generally speaking, a typical serving of coffee with 2 teaspoons of sugar and 2 ounces of whole milk can contain around 70 to 100 calories.

Yet, the calorie count can increase significantly if you use more sugar or higher-fat milk, like half-and-half. For example, a cup of coffee with 4 teaspoons of sugar and 2 ounces of half-and-half can contain around 170 to 200 calories.

It’s important to note that the calorie count can also vary depending on the size of the cup. A standard serving size for coffee is 8 ounces, but many people drink larger servings, which will contain more calories.

Suppose you are looking to reduce the calorie count of your coffee. In that case, you can try using low-calorie sweeteners like stevia or artificial sweeteners, as well as lower-fat milk alternatives like almond milk or skim milk. You can also try reducing the amount of sugar or creamer you use in your coffee to help lower the overall calorie count.

Factors that Affect the Calorie Count of Coffee

As we have seen, the calorie count of coffee can vary greatly depending on what you add to it. Here are some of the factors that can affect the calorie count of your coffee:

Type of coffee

Different types of coffee have other calorie counts. For example, an 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee has only 2 calories, while an 8-ounce cup of latte has about 120 calories.

Serving size

The amount of coffee you drink will also affect the calorie count. A standard serving size for coffee is 8 ounces, but many consume larger servings, which will contain more calories.

Cream and milk

Adding cream or milk to your coffee will increase the calorie count. For example, a tablespoon of cream has about 52 calories, while a tablespoon of whole milk has about 9 calories.

Sugar and sweeteners

Adding sugar or sweeteners to your coffee will also increase the calorie count. For example, a tablespoon of sugar has about 48 calories, while a packet of artificial sweeteners has almost no calories.


Adding flavorings to your coffee, such as syrup or spices, will increase the calorie count. For example, a tablespoon of caramel syrup has about 52 calories, while a tablespoon of cinnamon has only about 6 calories.

How to Reduce the Calorie Count of Your Coffee

If you want to enjoy your coffee without adding too many calories, there are a few things you can do:

As we have seen, black coffee has almost no calories, so it’s a great option if you want to avoid adding extra calories to your diet.

  • Use low-calorie sweeteners

If you must sweeten your coffee, consider using low-calorie sweeteners such as Stevia or Splenda.

  • Use skim milk or almond milk

Instead of using cream or whole milk, consider skim or almond milk. These options are lower in calories and still, add a creamy texture to your coffee.

  • Avoid flavored creamers

Flavored creamers can add a lot of calories to your coffee. Instead, use a small amount of milk or cream and add your own flavorings, such as vanilla extract or cinnamon.

  • Use natural sweeteners

Instead of artificial sweeteners, consider natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup. While these options are still high in calories, they offer other nutritional benefits.

  • Watch your serving size

Finally, be mindful of how much coffee you are drinking. Stick to the standard serving size of 8 ounces, and avoid drinking multiple cups of coffee throughout the day.


To sum up, coffee’s purest form is very low in calories. On the other hand, the calorie count can quickly increase when you add things like cream, sugar, and flavorings. If you want to enjoy your coffee without adding too many calories to your diet, consider drinking black coffee or using low-calorie sweeteners and milk alternatives. As with any food or drink, moderation is key, so be mindful of your serving sizes and enjoy your coffee in moderation.